Meet Rita M. Perez

Your Cruise Experience Strategist

Hi, I’m Rita! I help nurturing trailblazers craft custom cruise experiences that provide space for their people to spark new ideas, strengthen connections with each other, and transform through world exploration.

I’m so passionate about cruising’s potential to foster community and usher in breakthroughs because I’ve seen (and experienced) it happen first hand. As an unabashed cruising junkie, I’ve sailed on 20+ cruises around the world—many with groups.

 On Day One at sea, you’re still strangers, and you're all a little unsure of how this is going to go. But by the final day of the trip, those barriers have broken down, and incredible connections have been forged. When you step on to that ship, you leave all your day-to-day responsibilities behind. You give yourself permission to think differently, and open yourself up to new ideas and approaches.

The possibilities are as endless as the open sky above you.

So let’s design something special that goes against the flow.

I’ll combine my creative approach to entrepreneurship with my events management background and deep cruise industry knowledge to create a retreat on the waves that surpasses all your expectations. 

My best clients tend to be forward-thinkers unafraid to challenge the status quo.

They think “leader” is not just a title, but an action. They believe deeply in the potential of their people—and they honor their responsibility to unlock it. They’re not just creating a retreat experience, they’re crafting a legacy.

Does That Resonate With You?

Then let’s connect. Click below to schedule your complimentary consultation call with me, so we can brainstorm your best group cruising experience. 


I boast a special events background, with a degree in hospitality management and experience managing events for some of the largest theme parks in the world.

I’ve earned a Master’s Degree in Non-Profit Management, so I understand what it takes to align budgets, missions, and diverse program needs.

As a former senior labor analyst, I’ve honed the left-brain skills needed to take charge of trip details large and small to make all the puzzle pieces fit.

I’m a certified Master Cruise Counselor through CLIA, the world’s largest cruise industry organization.

I’m going to make you look really good. You bring the vision, I’ll execute all the strategy and manage all the logistics, for an experience that truly wows your group (and you get all the credit, of course!). 

5 Reasons to Trust Your Cruise to Rita


Ball of Fire Coaching

The Got Side Hustle Show

Podcasting Business School

Travel Agent Chatter

the 25th Hour Podcast

Normal Lies with Linda Heeler

Travel Gluten Free Podcast

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retreat leaders live

work Culture Consultant

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Let's Set Sail

Ready to find out if a cruise retreat is the right fit for your company or business? Schedule your complimentary consultation session with me to get started, and get all your questions answered.